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About emdg


The Export Market Development Grant Scheme (EMDG), which is administered by Austrade, encourages both aspiring and current exporters to develop export markets by reimbursing 50% of certain export marketing and promotional expenditure, up to $150,000.


Operating for over 40 years, the EMDG program encourages businesses to increase international marketing and promotion expenditure to boost international sales. 


There are eight categories for eligible expenses covered by the EMDG program. They are:


1. Export Market Representatives

For maintaining a permanent marketing office within foreign markets.


2. Marketing Consultants
For the cost of engaging a consultant to undertake export market research or marketing activities.


3. Marketing Travel

For both travel undertaken for the specific purpose of promoting and marketing exports.


4. Free Samples

For the cost of providing free samples of the product you are promoting for export


5. Trade Fairs, Seminars and In-Store Promotions

For costs related to participating in an international trade fair, seminar, in-store promotion, international forum, private exhibition, or similar activity.


6. Literature and Advertising

For costs such as brochures, videos, advertising and website development. 


7. Overseas Buyers

For the costs of bringing potential buyers who are non-residents to Australia for an eligible export promotion purpose


8. Patents + Trademarks

For costs in granting, registering or extending rights internationally in relation to intellectual property.


For more information, or if you have any questions regarding eligible expenses, please contact one of our team members!


Recent changes to the EMDG program

The EMDG program has been in existence for over 40 years and has gone through a change in the way the program is administered.


From 1 July 2021, the EMDG reimbursement scheme has become a grant program. The new scheme provides upfront funding certainty of the grant approved which is approved through a grant agreement (of 2 or 3 years). This approval take place before the planned promotional activities.​


Through the new EMDG grant program, grants are available across 3 tiers, with each tier providing a different level of support to SMEs as they grow their export markets:

  • Tier 1: This tier is for first-time exporters, for a maximum of 2 years and maximum funding of $40,000 per financial year.

  • Tier 2: This tier is for businesses who are expanding their export promotion activities and is available for a maximum of 3 years and maximum funding of $80,000 per financial year.

  • Tier 3: This tier is for those who are expanding their export promotion activities as well as making a strategic shift (e.g. targeting a new market or a new type of customer). A maximum of 3 years and maximum funding of $150,000 per financial year is available.


Representative bodies are also able to apply for grant funding for a maximum of 3 years with up to $150,000 per financial year.


The new scheme structure


You may be eligible if you meet the following critera: 

  • You have a turnover of less than $20 million during the 2020–21 financial year,

  • You are an Australian person within the meaning of the EMDG Rules, and

  • You have an Australian Business Number.


Funding from the EMDG must also be used for promotional activities to market eligible products in foreign countries, or for training activities to develop skills in such marketing. 


To be an eligible product, your product(s) must be of substantially Australian origin and be considered one off the following:

  • Goods

  • Services

  • Events

  • Intellectual property or know-how

  • Software


 If you believe you meet the above criteria, please get in touch with our team to discuss how we can support you to access grant funds

About us

Export Grant Solutions provides grant advice and assistance to a range of Australian businesses and has a long association with Austrade as a specialist EMDG consultancy firm.  

So, where does Export Grant

Solutions fit into the picture?



Export Grant Solutions has offices in Sydney, Melbourne & Brisbane and are able to service a range of businesses located throughout Australia. Offering over decades of combined years experience between our staff, we provide a complete package to clients that including preparation and lodgement of grant claims, and more importantly, advice and assistance to maximise grant funding in the future.


Our principal consultants consist of Jim Thomas, Greg Robson and Howard Stewart. Together, we have prepared thousands of Export Grant applications and have experience with a wide range of industries, in all states and territories of Australia.








The service provided by Export Grant Solutions covers the following areas:


  • Ongoing advice on the operations of the EMDG Scheme and any changes to Legislation and Guidelines.

  • Advice on the range of eligible expenditure and supporting documents

  • Preparation of the grant application and schedules

  • Compilation of all support documentation

  • Co-ordination and supervision of Austrade assessments and audits

  • Liasion with Austrade to ensure the processing of your application is not delayed

Contact Us
Get In Touch

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If you have any questions, please leave a message for us in the contact form on the right and we will get back to your message as soon as possible!


Export Grant Solutions has offices in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane and we assist businesses in every corner of Australia.


Our Head Office in Sydney is located at: 

Taren Point Business Centre

46-50 Bay Road

Taren Point, NSW 2229

Tel: 0407 270 720


For further information you can also directly email us at:


© 2020 Export Grant Soutions

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